That’s right! BLOCK PARTY TIME!
For the second year in a row, the Economic Development Office will be hosting Community-Wide Block Parties. Several block parties will take place all around Neligh at the same time on Sunday, September 14. The parties will begin at about 5 p.m.
If you are interested in hosting a block party, please contact Greg Ptacek at 402-887-4447. Once signed up, the organizers will receive a $5 Thriftway Gift Card and will be the contact person for their neighborhood, responsible for organizing and inviting neighbors. If you are interested in hosting, please call before September 5.
"During the parties, the Economic Development Office, Neligh Chamber of Commerce, Neligh Police Department, and volunteers from Target will visit the parties, distributing prizes, Big Bucks, and the always popular: Neligh trash bags!" Ptacek said. "The Chamber Cash Booth will be traveling to each party as well to give those with quick reflexes a chance to win big money!"
He said a map of the block party locations will be released online. A printed copy can be picked up at the Economic Development Office, 105 East 2nd St.