On Thursday and Friday, June 12-13 nearly a dozen businesses have specials going on, including up to $750 off a new or used vehicle from Jonny Dodge!
Here's what is going on in NELIGH!!!
SchinDigs Garden Center
20% off all plants Thursday and Friday. If you spend $50 or more, you get to pick a flower for a prize!
Wanek Pharmacy
Spend $50 and get $10 off gifts, exclusions apply
Flower Corner (Lucy’s)
10% off small angel chimes and glow in the dark butterflies
20% off preserved wreaths and swags, solar angels, crosses and flags, and Christmas angels
25% off storewide. Open until 7 p.m. on Thursday
Jonny Dodge
Get $500.00 off new or used vehicles* on the Thursday or Friday. Come in between 5-7 p.m. on Thursday and get $750 off new or used vehicles*. *Excludes sale-priced vehicles.
Take a shopping break at Cubby’s on Thursday and Friday and get a 16 oz. coffee or 32 oz fountain pop for just .59 cents.
Thriftway Market
USDA Choice Boneless Angus beef whole Ribeye or whole New York Strip cut and wrapped free just the way you like them, $7.99 per pound.
Bush baked or grillin' beans, 22-28 oz. $1.59
Shurfine granulated Sugar, 4 lb. bag, $1.59
Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, 10 boxes for $10.00
Carhart Lumber
Buy one gallon of paint, get one for $5. Also offering FREE in-home design consultation with Tiffany Stelling, Carhart’s interior designer. This offer is good Thursday and Friday ONLY!
Neligh Flower Shop
20% off storewide, see store for exclusions
Hilltop Drugs Etc.
Now introducing the Redi-Medi! Stop in to find out how Hilltop can put all of your medication and vitamins in easy-to -use and easy-to-take packets for you. We also have a new refill program to sync your medications.
Big Red Motorsports
Stop in for deals on a B&B sprayer for your UTVs and ATVs. Visit our Neligh & O’Neill locations
The Retail and Trade Committee is part of the Chamber's new Strategic Plan for the business community. Businesses that are not members of the Chamber, but would like more information about the benefits of joining the Chamber, are encouraged to call 402-887-4447.
Become a member! After all, we're in business together!